More about external leverage opportunities
Delivering on sustainability objectives is not the responsibility of Council alone. While Council is responsible for setting the ambition and vision for its community, it will only lead a proportion of capital investment projects and programmes. Success depends on the public and private sector delivering their part. This requires Council to be outward-facing and have a closer working relationship with private enterprise, government agencies, not-for-profit groups and communities.
There are many levers available to Council to create a virtuous financial circle – increasing revenue to generate more income and achieve wider investment and savings.
Some of these leverage initiatives include:
Catalyst investment
• Invest in infrastructure that unlocks growth or regeneration.
• Partner with external organisations to widen social and environmental benefits (thus reducing remedial costs).
• Connect, co-ordinate and facilitate not-for-profit and business groups.
Attract capital
• Position Council to secure grants and launch business attraction initiatives.
• Direct and assist the private sector to deliver viable developments that offer good environmental and social outcomes (e.g. biodiversity links, local parks and affordable housing).
• Provide clear and consistent policies and development frameworks: support and stimulate new local business; create more jobs; reduce income leakage; and progress environmental and social sustainability. This may involve physical or place-based initiatives, organisational or policy/governance initiatives.