Due to the ever changing nature of the political, economic, and environmental context it is very challenging for any Council to consistently achieve the on-the-ground outcomes articulated in their vision statements.

Because organisational structures aren’t static and community expectations and sustainability needs evolve, disconnects develop between the vision, policy, rules, procedures, and the projects that are ultimately delivered. These disconnects are often difficult to detect from within any one part of the organisation, and may reach across different disciplines or between different levels of management and implementation.

Over many years, while delivering growth plans, regeneration strategies or new settlement designs, we have come across disconnects which sit outside the scope of the given project. We regularly find officers from a particular discipline unable to address issues of a wider organisational nature. These disconnects profoundly affect the quality of outcome achievable.

To resolve inconsistencies and inefficiencies a higher order process is needed that is not linked to one discipline or project.

We understand that to deliver lasting solutions with strong ownership, staff have to diagnose disconnects and formulate remedies themselves. Our team provides impartial process leadership and works alongside Council staff.

To read more about how Urbanismplus’ have been using these techniques to help Council’s do more with less, see our recent article